Usage of Baxter

How to control baxter via roseus


Run below under emacs’s shell environment (M-x shell).


When you start new shell, DO NOT FORGET to run:

rossetmaster baxter
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Set baxter-interface

;;load modules
(load "package://jsk_arc2017_baxter/euslisp/lib/arc-interface.l")
;;create a robot model(*baxter*) and make connection to the real robot(*ri*)
;; display the robot model
(objects (list *baxter*))

arc-interface function APIs

  • rotate left(right) gripper

    (send *baxter* :rotate-gripper :larm 90 :relative nil)
  • slide right gripper

    (send *baxter* :slide-gripper :rarm 50 :relative nil)
  • move fingers in right gripper

    (send *baxter* :hand :rarm :angle-vector #f(90 90))
    (send *baxter* :hand-grasp-pre-pose :rarm :opposed)
    (send *baxter* :hand-grasp-pose :rarm :cylindrical)
  • send initial pose for arc2017

    (send *baxter* :fold-pose-back)
  • send current joint angles of robot model to real robot

    (send *ti* :send-av)
  • send current hand joint angles of robot model to real robot

    (send *ri* :move-hand :rarm (send *baxter* :hand :rarm :angle-vector) 1000)